Bennie Moten's Kansas City Orchestra (1931/04/15)
提供: 初期のジャズ
録音名義 | Bennie Moten's Kansas City Orchestra |
録音日時 | 1931-04-15 |
録音場所 | New York |
- Bennie Moten (direction)
- Oran "Hot Lips" Page (trumpet)
- Ed Lewis (trumpet)
- Booker Washington (trumpet)
- Thamon Hayes (trombone)
- Eddie Durham (valve trombone, guitar)
- Harlan Leonard (clarinet, soprano sax, alto sax)
- Jack Washington (clarinet, alto sax, baritone sax)
- Woody Walder (clarinet, tenor sax)
- Count Basie (piano)
- Ira "Buster" Moten (piano, accordion)
- Leroy Berry (banjo)
- Vernon Page (tuba)
- Willie McWashington (drums)
- Jimmy Rushing (vocals)
- Ya Got Love (Victor 22680)
- I Wanna Be Around MyBaby All The Time (Victor 22680)
- 1931年にニューヨークで吹き込まれた2曲はいずれもJimmy Rushingのボーカルをフィーチャーしたもの。